Yardedge custom built backyard additions

FAQs about ADUs

Get the most out of your yard with an accessory dwelling unit

What is an ADU?

An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a secondary living space with a kitchen and bathroom on the same yard as an existing primary residence or single-family home. 

a.k.a.: in-law suite, granny pod, nanny pod, backyard house, tiny home, apartment, rental property

What are the benefits of adding an ADU to your yard?

  • Add value to your existing home by increasing your overall livable square footage
  • Provide additional space for aging family members, guests, or live in childcare
  • Enable a homeowner to earn rental income and offset mortgage payments
  • Potential tax-related incentives depending on use

Are there financing options available?

Yardedge does not require full payment upfront. We collect payment throughout the entirety of the project tied to key milestones.

We can connect you to our lending partners and help you find the best option for your needs. Common options are:

  • Home equity loan
  • Renovation or construction loan
  • Cash-out refinance

Want to find out if your yard is ADU friendly?

Let us help you with that.

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